Friday, February 22, 2008

The Channel of Mozambique

Our break in the beautiful Seychelles was wonderful but far too short. We spent the two days wandering the small main island of Mahe traveling from one white sandy beach to another. Now, back on the boat, school has hit me full force. Traveling to Cape Town has been an adventure in itself. Originally the ship was supposed to cruise around the western coast of Madagascar, however, due to cyclones in the area we took a turn toward more protected waters, passing between Madagascar and the coast of eastern Africa. However, we still caught a decent amount of backlash from the storms. Last night we all stood out on the back deck watching an electrical storm light up the sky. Shortly there after it began to downpour and the back deck became a slip n' slide! Watching a storm at sea is beautiful, however, seasickness is certainly one of the drawbacks to studying on a ship. Although I haven't been sick it certainly isn't a natural feeling to constantly pitch and roll with the waves, not to mention trying to read, pay attention in class, and take tests while it is going on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A picture of my sweet Brittany girl!
It's so good to see you.
I miss you, dear, but it looks like you are having a wonderful time.
Keep writing... we love hearing about your adventures!
xo Mom